Freedom from sex addiction

Sexual Addiction Therapy

Sex will no longer be your secret comfort nor your shame-filled way to “feel alive.”



Are you out of control with sex? How deep in the woods are you? Where are you headed if nothing changes? We use leading edge sex addiction assessments only available to IITAP Certified Sexual Addiction Therapists (CSAT) to help answer these questions.


Are you willing to do “whatever it takes” to stop your compulsive sexual behavior? “Sexual sobriety” begins with a clear decision to be done … for good and all. We’ll provide the map, but first, you have to decide to “walk the walk.”


We’ll help you create an environment that makes sexual acting out far less possible by setting off alarms with those who support you. Expect us to also ask the questions that help you stay the course.

Repairing Relationships

Repairing the harm you’ve done, especially to a marriage or partnership, is perhaps the most important thing you’ll do in recovery. Make amends, be transparent, answer questions honestly, and change your behavior. We offer couples therapy informed by extensive specialized training with Dr. Stan Tatkin, author of “Wired for Love.”


Sex addiction thrives in secrets and emotional isolation. We’ll help you find deeper meaning in relationships with safe and supportive people who know and understand your problem. No more going it alone.

Make a therapy appointment today.

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